• one direction songs

    One Direction’s first single, What Makes You Beautiful, received its first airplay on August 10, 2011 and was released a month later on September 11, 2011. It was the fastest selling single of the year 2011 and peaked at #1 on the UK Singles Chart. The boys released their second single Gotta Be You on November 13th peaking at #3 on the UK Singles Chart. Their album Up All Night followed on November 21st reaching #2 on the UK Albums Chart, narrowly missing out on #1 to Rihanna.

  • One Direction and their Girlfriend

    The latest One Direction girlfriends revelation has stoked up lots of posts on social media everywhere. Lucy, who is 32 years old has received a tirade of abuse from Harry's hardcore fans. Many have been sending abusive twitters to her and seem particularly upset that at 32 she should not be having an affair with a 17 year old, especially as she is married.

  • One Direction Concert.

    1D tickets are available now! There’s only One Direction for Niall, Zayn, Liam, Harry and Louis and it’s straight up to the top! See “What Makes You Beautiful” and know why it’s “Gotta Be You” with One Direction tickets for upcoming tour dates! Check out the schedule and find a One Direction concert near you! 1 Direction tickets are red hot, don't get left out in the cold, go for yours now!

Archive for 2013

bikin ruang kelas yang simple,nyaman dan sekiranya masuk akal untuk ditinggali kalo semisal bangunan 3D ini dibikin beneran :)
dalam satu kelas,bangku yang tersedia tidak mencapai 20.untuk berlangsungnya belajar dan mengajar yang efektif yaitu siswa yang memenuhi kapasitas dan tidak menampung terlalu banyak agar guru lebih bisa menghafal siswanya satu persatu dan juga mengenal perkembangannya di dalam kelas.sehingga kebutuhan murid akan pelajaran yang tidak dimengerti,lebih mudah di tanggapi oleh guru.
dan semoga tugas company profile cepat selesai :)

exterior tampak depan,
the building look simple, karena jika terlalu rumit,gedung tsb akan kehilangan karakter sekolahnya,terlebih lagi desain sekolah di Indonesia hanya sebatas gedung panjang dan bertingkat,dan juga tidak memakan banyak lahan.

gedung exterior tampak belakang,terlihat bagian belakang gedung yang dilengkapi dengan balkon dan jendela jendela ventilasi.

di belakang gedung juga tersedia tempat yang bisa digunakan siswa untuk bersantai saat jam istirahat,hanya untuk sekedar duduk atau mengerjakan tugas di tempat santai tersebut.